Sabtu, 24 Februari 2018

#9 - SEA Teacher Poject 5th Batch (3 Final Demonstrations)

I think this is the most exciting day when I'm in Philippines. Seriously I feel dizzy, scared, nervous, and excited. I am preparing everything for this day. Like lesson plan, material, instructional media, reward for students, and then create identity to differentiate groups of students during group activity.

Sometimes I feel uncomfortable with the decision that I have to do 3 final demonstrations. But I'm sure this is a challenge I have to go through. And with great enthusiasm, effort and prayer I finally got through it all.

For the first final demonstration I was in the third week of grade V - Mercury with the material is "Fact or Opinion".

Then my second final demonstration in the fourth week of Grade VI – SSC Nobel with the material is “Conjunctions”.

And the last final demonstration in the fourth week also of grade IV - SSC Diamond with the material is Prepositions "Between and Among".

In my opinion, the experience is one of the best experiences that exist in my life. I hope after the final demonstration I can get better in teaching. Aamiin...

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